ETS Findings Report

ETR Recaps the February 2024 Emerging Technology Survey

Erik Bradley | ETR Research 

| March 15, 2024

This article recaps key findings from the February 2024 Emerging Technology Survey, which provides data-driven insights on the evaluation, utilization, and churn metrics for over 400 private technology companies. To see the full data set, findings report, and webinar, log on to the ETR research platform. Don't have access? That's ok; start a free trial with one simple step.

ETR has finalized data for its February 2024 Emerging Technology Survey (ETS), which provides data-driven insight into which private technology companies are gaining traction in global enterprises by tracking evaluation, utilization, and churn metrics for 400+ private technology companies. This survey saw participation from 1556 IT Decision-Makers, including 263 Fortune 500 and 369 Global 2000 organizations. Of those respondents, 24% hold C-suite titles, with another 49% at the VP / Director level. Finally, 63% are from Large organizations, and 37% are from Midsize & Small organizations.

As you can see in the chart below, OpenAI continues to hold the highest Net Sentiment score of the entire survey universe along with the second-highest Mind Share in its respective sector; Kubernetes follows suit with the second-highest Net Sentiment score and highest respective Mind Share. In addition to OpenAI’s leading positioning, other ML / AI outperformers include Databricks, TensorFlow, Anaconda, Jasper, and Hugging Face. Outperformers from the Information Security sector include BeyondTrust, OneTrust, Snyk, and Abnormal Security. Although not shown in this chart, the Net Sentiment leaders among companies with smaller Mind Shares in their respective sectors include four more Generative AI vendors: Anthropic,, Cohere, and Snorkel. Information Security outperformers with smaller Mind Shares include Wiz and Lacework.

In terms of utilization rates, Kubernetes continues to lead the pack with the highest utilization rate across the survey universe, followed by Docker, Postman, Figma, and Grafana. The Information Security vendors with the largest utilization rates were OneTrust, BitSight, and 1Password. Not surprisingly, open-source technologies continued to dominate the Utilization rate metrics. Among this grouping, Stripe, Grafana, Postman, and MURAL saw material improvements off already strong utilization rate bases.

The full report also highlights evaluation and churn rates for vendors across 19 sectors; see the full report here. If you're still looking for more data on today's top private technology companies, you're in luck because, for the first time, ETR has also generated more than 300 individual vendor data reports for the companies we track in the ETS. You can see them all for yourself in the Reports section of the ETR Research platform. If you're not yet a subscriber, you can gain access here. With the ETS now finalized and the April 2024 Technology Spending Intentions Survey already pulling in data from more than 1300 respondents, now is the right time to start your own free trial and see all that ETR has to offer.

Enterprise Technology Research (ETR) is a technology market research firm that leverages proprietary data from our targeted IT decision maker (ITDM) community to provide actionable insights about spending intentions and industry trends. Since 2010, we have worked diligently at achieving one goal: eliminating the need for opinions in enterprise research, which are often formed from incomplete, biased, and statistically insignificant data. Our community of ITDMs represents $1+ trillion in annual IT spend and is positioned to provide best-in-class customer/evaluator perspectives. ETR’s proprietary data and insights from this community empower institutional investors, technology companies, and ITDMs to navigate the complex enterprise technology landscape amid an expanding marketplace. Discover what ETR can do for you at 

HashiCorp shares jumped almost 20% on Tuesday following media reports claiming IBM was in talks to acquire the cloud software maker. Citing unnamed sources, The Wall Street Journal said a deal could materialize in the next few days. Known for having both open sourced and enterprise-layered offerings, HashiCorp has always been a DevOps friendly tool. Developers use HashiCorp’s software to set up and manage infrastructure in public cloud environments, as well as for their popular security credentials tool called Vault. The company also plays in the container orchestration space.