Unlike public company data, which must legally be disclosed in various forms, private companies mostly fly under the radar of similar regulations making it much more difficult to track their progress and market positioning. This is exactly why ETR launched the Emerging Technology Survey (ETS) back in November of 2018. Last week, we released the August 2022 edition, which marks the third installment of the 4 planned ETS survey periods for this year. The full findings report and replay of this webinar are available for clients and ITDM survey participants on the ETR Platform, along with the sector and vendor-specific reports. Not yet a client? That's ok, we picked some of the key data models and analyses in this article as a preview for you. After you're done reading and would like access to the full research slate (and all 12 years of ETR data) just request your free trial and get started; no strings attached.
Let's get started with a look at the survey demographics for the most recent ETS iteration. As you can see in the slide below, polling for this ETS survey was conducted from July 26th until August 19th. It saw participation from more than 1000 IT Decision makers, including 150 from Fortune 500 companies and 246 from Global 2000 organizations. Of all respondents, 65% hold C-Suite or Director level titles. Survey respondents are asked to divulge their levels of awareness, evaluation, utilization, and churn for more than 450 emerging technology vendors and frameworks that are covered in the ETS universe.

Let's kick off the data with a broader look across our survey universe for outperformers by the various sentiment metrics I described above. This slide shows our 'Mind Share' metric on the x-axis and 'Net Sentiment' on the y-axis and focuses on those vendors and technologies with higher mind share; then we'll look at the smaller mind share vendors in the following slide. Here we see that several open-source technologies continue their reign of dominance, including Kubernetes in container orchestration, Postgres in Data warehousing, Apache Kafka in Stream Processing, and Tensor Flow in Machine Learning / AI. All of these are mind share leaders within their respective sectors while maintaining some of the highest Net Sentiment scores of the survey. You will see the open source technologies frequently appear, so much so that we decided to separate them into their own data report this year.
Among the non-open-source group, Databricks and OneTrust repeat as top Net Sentiment performers in their respective sectors, while Design vendors Miro and Figma also three-peat as outperformers in the Productivity Apps space. Security vendors Snyk, Netskope, and a newcomer to this analysis, SecurityScorecard, also stand out positively. All of these names are detailed in separate sector reports that are available on the ETR platform.

Moving onto the smaller mind share end of the spectrum (see slide below), another open source technology, Istio, has rebounded to take the Net Sentiment lead after softening the previous 6 months. Anyscale, Argo, and InfluxData follow Istio for top Net Sentiment spots. Again security players are well represented by Wiz, Aqua, and Armis in this analysis.

We're going to cover one more key metric for you today. Here we see the Evaluation component, where we apply a similar analysis where we are plotting the mind share of the respective sector on the x-axis and the Evaluation rate on the y-axis, with those at least one standard deviation away from the mean (depicted by the grey dots), highlighted either positively or negatively.
First, for the positives, we have H2O, Funnel, FintechOS, Automile, Chargebee, SecurityScoreCard, Snyk, and Armis (just to name a few) seeing the highest portion of their respective respondent pools indicate evaluation plans. Inversely, Act-On and Vena Solutions are among some of the vendors seeing the weakest evaluation rates

That's enough free data for today, but again simply start your free trial to gain access to the rest of the report including the most critical ETS metrics detailing the actual Utilization and Churn of these private technology companies, as well as ALL of the data and reports on more than 700 public and private technology companies that ETR covers. As an added bonus, the Technology Spending Intentions Survey (TSIS) which tracks forward-looking spend for public tech companies is currently live in the field and that data will start pulling into the platform on Monday. Now is a great time to start your free trial!
Enterprise Technology Research (ETR) is a technology market research firm that leverages proprietary data from our targeted IT decision maker (ITDM) community to bring you actionable insights about spending intentions and industry trends. Since 2010, we have worked diligently at achieving one goal: eliminating the need for opinions in enterprise research, which are often formed from incomplete, biased, and statistically insignificant data. Our community of ITDMs represents $1+ trillion in annual IT spend and is positioned to provide best-in-class customer/evaluator perspectives. ETR’s proprietary data and insights from this community empower institutional investors, technology companies, and ITDMs to navigate the complex enterprise technology landscape amid an expanding marketplace. Discover what ETR can do for you at www.etr.ai