ETR has finalized data for its February 2024 Emerging Technology Survey (ETS), which provides data-driven insight into which private technology companies are gaining traction in global enterprises by tracking evaluation, utilization, and churn metrics for 400+ emerging technologies. ETR subscribers enjoyed the full findings report and webinar last week, and we will highlight a few key takeaways in next week's newsletter more broadly. However, for now, we want to turn our focus to a new offering. For the first time, ETR has generated more than 300 individual vendor data reports for the companies we track in the ETS.
With this new style of report, ETR is vastly expanding its research coverage for privately-held technology companies. Currently, 325 new reports are available in the ETR reports Marketplace, including repeat standout vendors from today’s webinar, like OpenAI, 1Password, Grafana, Hugging Face, Postman, Snyk, and many, many more.
As an example, here we take a look at two repeat standouts in the most recent February 2024 ETS. To no surprise, the leader within the ML/AI sector was OpenAI. In the OpenAI data report, we cover everything from the demographic composition of the vendor's survey respondents to its competitive positioning among sector peers while analyzing the important evaluation and usage metrics in between. Below, we view the Metric Aggregate data, which illustrates the vendor's Net Sentiment and Mind Share scores, with a breakdown of all answer option citations submitted by our survey takers. In this instance, 894 ITDMs cited an indication with OpenAI. Among that group, OpenAI had an astronomical Net Sentiment of 70%, which was three percentage points higher than the prior survey iteration in November of 2023. The vendor also boasts a Mind Share of 81% within the ML / AI sector, an expansion of 3 percentage points since November. OpenAI continues to hold the highest Net Sentiment score of the entire ETS survey universe along with the second highest Mind Share.
However, that does not tell the real story here. By examining the answer option breakdown, we see much more. In its debut ETS survey back in February of 2023, OpenAI smashed ETS’ historical citation and evaluation records and then increased its standing in both metrics again during the following survey; however, the AUG23 and NOV23 captured metrics that were in line with the previous iteration, and now in this survey period we see a slight decline in total evaluation rates, albeit at incredibly high levels. While this could be viewed as a potential pause in the vendor’s evaluation growth, the consistent and sizeable gains in the percentage of respondents indicating their plans to allocate further resources to OpenAI tells the real story, which is that our ITDM community is progressing along the path from awareness to evaluation and now into production with almost 23% of respondents stating plans to allocate further resources to OpenAI this survey period, up from 19% and 13% in the last two sequential periods. You can track that "allocating further" metric in the bright green portion of the candlestick chart below.

After reviewing the full ETS data set within Information Security it is clear that OneTrust had a dominant positioning across almost all metrics ETR tracks. As such, we debut our dedicated single-vendor ETS reports by taking a brief look at the vendor. Within the Privacy Management Platform subsector, OneTrust had a Net Sentiment of 33%, which was relatively flat vs. November (+1 percentage points). This Net Sentiment level leads all other Information Security vendors represented in the FEB24 ETS survey. OneTrust had a Mind Share of 30% within the Information Security sector, an expansion of 2 percentage points since November, and good enough for third-highest among its Information Security peers. This survey period, 623 ITDMs cited an indication for the security vendor. You can see the full data set in the vendor report here.

Be sure to check out the new reports in the ETR research platform, and, as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to our service and research teams with any thoughts, comments, or questions. We are always happy to improve our offerings based on client feedback. If you would like a free trial to the ETR research platform, custom surveys, and reports, please click here to get started today.
Enterprise Technology Research (ETR) is a technology market research firm that leverages proprietary data from our targeted IT decision maker (ITDM) community to provide actionable insights about spending intentions and industry trends. Since 2010, we have worked diligently at achieving one goal: eliminating the need for opinions in enterprise research, which are often formed from incomplete, biased, and statistically insignificant data. Our community of ITDMs represents $1+ trillion in annual IT spend and is positioned to provide best-in-class customer/evaluator perspectives. ETR’s proprietary data and insights from this community empower institutional investors, technology companies, and ITDMs to navigate the complex enterprise technology landscape amid an expanding marketplace. Discover what ETR can do for you at