August 2024 Emerging Technology Survey 

Key Findings Report

ETR Research & Analytics  

| September 04, 2024

The AUG24 Emerging Technology Survey (ETS) has closed with ~1350 IT decision makers submitting their responses tracking evaluation, utilization, and churn metrics for 400+private companies and technologies. This survey saw participation from 1349 IT decision makers, including 212 Fortune 500 and 306 Global 2000 organizations. Among the survey respondents, 25% hold C-suite titles, with another 50% of respondents at the VP / Director level. Finally, 59% are from Large organizations, and 41% are from Midsize & Small organizations.

This article will track the Evaluation and Utilization rates, but the full report also tracks Churn metrics, as well as the highest and lowest overall Net Sentiment and Mind Share vendors. The report is riddled with ML / AI and Security vendors and should not be missed. Subscribers can access the full report here, or you can use the sidebar to request a copy.

OpenAI and Anthropic saw the highest evaluation rates across the entire survey universe by a substantial margin. The next highest evaluation rate belonged to RapidSOS, followed by two other generative AI vendors: Hugging Face and Jasper. Of other larger mind share vendors, Greenbird and Worldsensing see higher evaluation rates, followed then by mature vendors, Automation Anywhere and OneTrust.

In addition to SafeGuard Cyber, Snyk, and OneTrust shown in the data visualization above, Salt Security, Abnormal Security, Wiz, ThreatQuotient, SecurityScorecard, Sysdig, and HackerOne were the other Information Security vendors seeing the next highest evaluation rates. Within the ML / AI sector, and Scale AI also stood out with higher evaluation rates.

Additionally, Mambu (Fintech), Hyperproof (GRC), and Conversica (CRM) saw the largest improvement in evaluation rates since February, as did several other CRM vendors (Cognism,, and CRMNEXT).

In terms of utilization rates, it is not surprising to see open-source tools leading the pack. Kubernetes continues to see the highest utilization rate across the survey universe, followed by Docker and Postman. Grafana, Jenkins, and Apache Kafka also ranked high in utilization. OneTrust, BeyondTrust, and 1Password were the information security vendors with the largest utilization rates.

SonarSource, VTEX, Contentful, and OpenAI saw the largest improvements in utilization rates over the past six months. OpenAI, Databricks, SonarSource, Neo4j, BrowserStack, and Calendly saw improvements off already relatively high bases.

The full ETS findings report also analyzes Net Sentiment and Mind Share leaders, as well as which vendors are seeing the highest churn rates. In addition to the report, the full ETS data set has analysis and tracking metrics on all 400+ vendors and technologies covered in this survey. ETR also published more than 300 individual vendor data reports for the companies in the ETS survey. You can access all of this (and so much more) on the ETR research platform or by starting your own trial.

Enterprise Technology Research (ETR) is a technology market research firm that leverages proprietary data from our targeted IT decision maker (ITDM) community to provide actionable insights about spending intentions and industry trends. Since 2010, we have worked diligently at achieving one goal: eliminating the need for opinions in enterprise research, which are often formed from incomplete, biased, and statistically insignificant data. Our community of ITDMs represents $1+ trillion in annual IT spend and is positioned to provide best-in-class customer/evaluator perspectives. ETR’s proprietary data and insights from this community empower institutional investors, technology companies, and ITDMs to navigate the complex enterprise technology landscape amid an expanding marketplace. Discover what ETR can do for you at  

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